HTML + CSS structuring for hover effect on buttons


Viewed 965 times


I have a list of social media icons, which I know how to do, I’m not here to ask how to do, but rather, a more correct way, to minimize my work, if there is, of course.

My HTML is like this:

  <li class="rodapeTitulos">Redes Sociais</li>
  <li class="icoFB"></li>
  <li class="icoTT"></li>
  <li class="icoIns"></li>
  <li class="icoPlu"></li>
  <li class="icoPin"></li>


  background-image: url("../imagens/fb.jpg");
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: center 0;
  width: 43px;
  height: 43px;
  float: left;
  margin-right: 1px;

.icoFB:hover{background-position: center 43px;}

Ok, with this, the Facebook icon will change the position of the image with the Hover effect. Until then quiet, I just make this same process for each of them, icoTT, icoIns...

I wonder if there is an easier way, maybe a class that stores properties that will repeat on all Divs, something like this:

    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center 0;
    width: 43px;
    height: 43px;
    float: left;
    margin-right: 1px;
.icoRodape.icoFB{background-image: url("../imagens/fb.jpg");}
.icoRodape.icoTT{background-image: url("../imagens/tt.jpg");}
.icoRodape.icoIns{background-image: url("../imagens/inst.jpg");}
.icoRodape.icoPlu{background-image: url("../imagens/gpl.jpg");}
.icoRodape.icoPin{background-image: url("../imagens/pin.jpg");}
.icoRodape:hover{background-position: center 43px;}

Okay, that’s not correct, just to give you an example. Is there any way to minimize my work and code?

2 answers


I think it works like this, adding more than one class to the elements:

  <li class="rodapeTitulos">Redes Sociais</li>
  <li class="icoRodape icoFB"></li>
  <li class="icoRodape icoTT"></li>
  <li class="icoRodape icoIns"></li>
  <li class="icoRodape icoPlu"></li>
  <li class="icoRodape icoPin"></li>

Bootstrap uses this system.

  • Hello. Yes, if I use both classes in HTML, it will inherit both. My doubt is more in question of structuring in the same CSS, not to have to put the properties of each class more than once, being that only one of them.

  • Forget what I said, hehe. It worked 100%:D


I normally create a class for all the elements. In that case I would create . iconFooter and put in each li along with the class of each icone. Na . iconFooter you put all the attributes that would repeat. I advise you to take a look at the SASS or LESS that this will really save you a lot of trouble. I started using SASS in my projects and I tell you it was the best thing I did.

Another tip that I give you, in this case, is to create an Sprite with all the icones instead of using an image for each icone. You can set the background-position of each icone in your CSS with the normal position and Hover. Take a look at this site which is an essential tool to create sprites.

Success with the projects.

  • 1

    I’ve been working with front-end for about 6 months, and I’ve heard a lot about SASS and LESS, and I’m sure in my next projects I’ll use them, I was reading and it seems to be very useful. Thank you so much for the tip. :)

  • 1

    Legal Felipe. Welcome then :) Give a research in creating sprites that will help you a lot and for sure your projects will get better.

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