How to turn canvas image into PNG?


Viewed 1,923 times


We have an image inside a tag

    <div id='tiraafotomisera'>   
<CENTER><img src='../imgMarketing/fundoVerde.jpeg' class='fundo' /><div class='logo'><br><div class='nomeEmpresa' style='position:absolute;'>DENY SISTEMAS</div></div></CENTER>


html2canvas(document.querySelector("#tiraafotomisera")).then(canvas => {

How can I download this image automatically? Without clicking save as.

Result canvas is like this: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • I’m sorry, but I don’t understand why you’re asking so much, the answer I posted has an example of how to convert to image and even how to upload it. Read the parts I speak Saving on Desktop User Machine and upload where written Saving canvas on the server

  • The other question has a lot of information, it’s not objective.

  • If a person looks for a solution in google related to my question, the one that will appear as solution for it will be mine and not this one.

  • It is organized by topics and this is no excuse, I created that question exclusively to help in everything that was necessary, just read the topics/ titles. Don’t take it personally.

2 answers


You can do all this with the js. Just create a anchor dynamic.


html2canvas(document.querySelector("#tiraafotomisera")).then(canvas => {
        var anchor = document.createElement("a");
        anchor.setAttribute("href", canvas.toDataURL());
        anchor.setAttribute("download", "amylee.jpg");

html,body {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
#tiraafotomisera {
    height: 100%
<script src=""></script>

<div id='tiraafotomisera'>   
        <img src='' class='fundo' width="500" />

Ps.: Document.body.appendchild is not from jQuery.


Well, let’s go the easy way, using Jquery and this difficult js..

Good since we have our canvas already created, we have to catch him doing:

canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');

The canvas is now in the canvas variable.

Now we have to take the link from our canvas.

linkdaimagem = canvas.toDataURL();

Now that we already have the link, we will create a button in html, it is better to already leave it created like this:

<a href=''>BAIXAR</A>

Now what are we gonna do? Take the canvas image link and put in href, how to do this?

When the user clicks on <a href=''>BAIXAR</a> it will put on href the link we took from the canvas and will put to download, through the lines:

$('a').on('click',function() {



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