I need to validate a line from a text file, where I already have part of the expression , but I lack the part where from position X to position Y I have 30 characters that correspond to the type string that can contain anything, that would correspond to the ER ". {30}", but I cannot allow the 30 characters to be all empty, as if it were a mandatory text field. Anyone has any idea how to do?
Unfortunately, this does not suit me, I need an expression that treats without me doing content breaking. Imagine that I will have a string that starts with "01", then has 5 characters, and then ends with "03"... The 5 middle characters cannot be " ", could be "01abc 03" or "01 . 03", but cannot be "01 03". I can demand that it be different from something, as in the case, other than " "?
– Luiz Fernando Bueno