Mysql Workbench 6.1 CE no longer starts


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I don’t know if anyone uses here, I tried to use for the first time, downloaded, installed and used the first time in a good, I found it super cool, created a database, tables, edited everything working perfectly.

I turned off the PC and the next day did not start at all. No error, just does not start. In the task manager comes to create the service, but disappears inexplicably. I have reinstalled 2x and nothing. I searched some forums and saw people with the same problem, but no resolution, some unanswered and others said they stopped using. I use version 6.1 CE, is the latest, and Windows 7 Ultimate, 64-bit.

Has anyone ever had this problem? Have you solved it? Any suggestions for a similar program?

  • Is the service active? you can see at iniciar>executar>services.msc. Which error message appears?

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    Try to run the mysqld.exe as administrator. It is in the Mysql installation program.

  • The service is not active. The process is started but then terminated. I checked the folder, but there is no file called mysqld.exe E no error message appears. Just do not open the program.

  • I use, with the same configuration and never had this problem, it seems to me antivirus thing, because when restarting must have blocked the process, take a look at your antivirus and see if something appears blocked.

  • But I didn’t even use expensive antivirus. I had just formatted the PC, I had only installed the pro PHP and Mysql environment. Nothing more

  • 1

    I know this question has been asked for a long time, but I will answer something anyway. So, take a look at your Microsoft Visual C++, because mysql needs it for some functions, if it is not installed or is outdated the program will not even start.

  • In my case, I was missing vcruntime140_1.dll. Just download and paste into the Workbench folder!

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4 answers


I had a very similar problem and I was able to solve it in the following way:

1) Open windows services:


2) Locate the Mysql service and go to the Logon tab

Serviço Mysql

3) Modify the user by placing the user you use on your Windows (this user must have a password and be an administrator). Note the image below that in the user field I had to put . and then my user. In doubt go to search.

Seu usuário

4) Try to start the service.

Iniciar serviço

Note: Open the run and type: control userpasswords2 and ensure that your user is there as an administrator.


Dude, I’m not a programmer or anything, I’m just answering because I had this same problem on 64-bit Win 10. I searched several forums and could not solve my problem.

Suddenly the program stopped and did not start anymore, uninstalled and installed and nothing.

I solved in an alternative way, I went to the Mysql site and downloaded the 32-bit version compressed (already installed - it’s a little bit bigger).

After unzipping, I played the program folder already installed inside the folder "Program Files (X86)", entered the folder and opened the file and ready.

I don’t know if this procedure is correct, but I’m using it without problems. I hope it helps you too :)


I also just went through this problem.

First I checked if there was a workbanch installed on the pc and removed 0 same as it was version 8.02. After disabling windows defender and firewall, I downloaded the workbanch in version 6.0 32 bit and installed it. This fixed the error on my pc.

I even thought about formatting the pc but it didn’t come to that. the most I hope to have collaborated.


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