Problems with Findsystemtimezonebyid in Web.API . NET Core in Docker (Linux)


Viewed 364 times



I am migrating a Webapi to . NET Core, on Windows is running normally.


When I am running on Docker (Linux) (Docker-Compose) I am having the following problem:

"The time zone ID 'W. Europe Standard Time' was not found on the local computer."

Code where occurs:

public static DateTime ConvertDateToLanguage(DateTime dDateLocal)
    var sqlServerRepository = new SqlServerRepository();
    var cstZone =
            sqlServerRepository.GetImpostazioniSkin().FirstOrDefault()?.FusoOrario ?? string.Empty);
    var cstTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(dDateLocal.ToUniversalTime(), cstZone);
    return cstTime;

1 answer


Going back in time a little remembered that Linux has Timezone nomenclature different from Windows

In Windows we have for example Eastern Standard Time

On Linux we have America/New_york

I found it interesting that has a tool that makes the conversion:

It is possible to perform the conversion using Timezoneconverter


string tz = TZConvert.IanaToWindows("America/New_York");
// Result:  "Eastern Standard Time"

string tz = TZConvert.WindowsToIana("Eastern Standard Time");
// result:  "America/New_York"

string tz = TZConvert.WindowsToIana("Eastern Standard Time", "CA");
// result:  "America/Toronto"

Therefore, using America/New York for example worked.

I extracted the information from here:

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