Hello, I would like to extract some data from a website or even an example notepad
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="https://i.imgur.com/rq9vXKI.jpg" group-title="FILMES",Mulher-Maravilha (2017)
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="https://i.imgur.com/ftEGyMy.jpg" group-title="FILMES",Guardiões da Galáxia Vol. 2 (2017)
I would like to withdraw
"https://i.imgur.com/rq9vXKI.jpg", Mulher-Maravilha e http://cdnv4.ec.cx/RedeCanais/RedeCanais/RCFServer1/ondemand/MLHRMRVLHA.mp4
"https://i.imgur.com/ftEGyMy.jpg", Guardiões da Galáxia e http://cdnv4.ec.cx/RedeCanais/RedeCanais/RCFServer1/ondemand/GRDOESDGLXIAVL2.mp4
And send this to a separate DB and in order, I tried to use regular expression, but I can not, this would be a method to facilitate to send movies to the site, send a list and it already separates with your link your image and your proper name, please someone help me!!! I don’t care if I’m extracting from a file a site, just q separate everything correctly and throw everything inside db, thanks
Hello friend thank you so much for your help, but you could help me increment the code to get the image ex: https://i.imgur.com/rq9vXKI.jpg that is inside tvg-logo="https://i.imgur.com/rq9vXKI.jpg", I tried to go by the way you were using ex: tvg-logo="w+" to get everything from tvg logo with ([ s S]+?) only that I can’t already try to go in regexpal and it seems that I can’t reach anything, besides you can help finish this code you could indicate me some site or videos to understand this part of PHP? is fucked, because this part seems to be very interesting.
– Caio Salchesttes
@Caiosalchesttes to pardon, my fault, I forgot about Thumb, one minute!
– Guilherme Nascimento
@Caiosalchesttes updated the answer, tests and tells me if you want to test in https://repl.it/@inphinit/Pegar-videos-no-txt as well.
– Guilherme Nascimento