Return string array in c


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I am trying to return an array of strings to use later in main.

Here is my function:

char **separar_palavras2() {
setlocale(LC_ALL, "Portuguese");
FILE *arquivo;
arquivo = fopen(ftexto, "r");
int i = 0, j = 0;
char* linhas[50];
char line[200];
char *palavra_linha[200];
char *palavras_finais[200];
char *palavras_finais2[200] = {NULL};
char points[200];
int rep = 0;
int p = 0;

while(fgets(line, sizeof line, arquivo) != NULL) {

    int w = 0;

    while (line[w])
        if (ispunct (line[w])) {
            points[p] = line[w];

    linhas[i] = strdup(line); // Separa as linhas do texto e guarda na string "linhas"

    palavra_linha[i] = strtok (linhas[i], " \n\r.,!?");
    while (palavra_linha[i] != NULL) {
        palavras_finais[j] = palavra_linha[i];
        palavra_linha[i] = strtok (NULL, " \n\r.,!?");

j = 0;
for(int k = 0; palavras_finais[k] != NULL; k++) {
    if (k == 0) {
        palavras_finais2[0] = palavras_finais[k];
    } else {
        rep = 0;
        for (int a = 0; palavras_finais2[a] != NULL; a++) {
            if (strcmp(palavras_finais[k], palavras_finais2[a]) == 0) {

        if (rep == 0) {
            palavras_finais2[j] = palavras_finais[k];

printf("-- Sinais de Pontuação no texto --\n");
for (int b = 0; b < p; b++) {
    printf("%c ", points[b]);

printf("\n\n-- Palavras no texto --\n\n");
for(int m=0; palavras_finais2[m] != NULL; m++) {
    printf("%s\n", palavras_finais2[m]);

return palavras_finais2; 

This is the main:

int size = 0;
palavras_finais = create_dyn_array_strings(palavras_finais, &size);
char** palavras_finais = separar_palavras2();

Here is the function to allocate memory for the 'palavras_final' variable':

char ** create_dyn_array_strings(char **pps, int *psize) {
char **ppnew= NULL;
int i;

if(pps == NULL){
    ppnew = (char**) calloc(*psize, sizeof(char*));
    return ppnew;

*psize *=2;
ppnew=(char**) realloc(pps , *(psize)*sizeof(char*));

for(i=*psize-1; i >= (*psize-30); i--)

return ppnew;

Sorry, I am new in c. If it is not possible to return the string array, I would like to be shown an alternative to use later in the main function result.

  • Without addressing your main problem, I leave a hint: there is no reason to use "200" in size in your temporary data structures: it is very easy a file. txt have end-of-line markings only in paragraphs, and have paragraphs much larger than that. You can put a higher number there, or the program will fail with almost any trivial text file. Some 60,000 would be a good number, and could support paragraphs that take up several pages (such as those occurring in court proceedings). Already, 5 structures of 60000 bytes instead of.

  • What language have you programmed? I took a look at this code - I didn’t think it was an expensive mistake, but it makes a salad with the use of memory that would make it unviable for use in Prod. , although for a small script can give the desired results.

  • A hint here is to put a mask on the intermediate printf, - make sure things are happening as you expect within the loop that checks repeated words (what you use the variable a)

  • Your code also doesn’t show how you try use the structure returned by the Toke function. The error may be there. (The line palavras_finais = create_dyn_array_strings(palavras_finais, &size); as well as the joint function has no effect on the final program, since the variable palavras_finais is over-written on the next line)

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