Well I’m trying to create a system that looks like this:
As I’m starting now, and I’m trying in every way to learn even if it takes a long time to get something close to it.
So far I’ve managed to do this :
the html code so far:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css.css">
<select class="basic">
<option value="b" selected="selected" >Bronze</option>
<option value="p" >Prata</option>
<option value="g" >Gold</option>
<option value="p" >Platina</option>
<option value="d" >Diamante</option>
<select class="basic1">
<option value="Gold" selected="selected" >Gold</option>
<option value="lv" >lV</option>
<option value="lll" >lll</option>
<option value="ll" >ll</option>
<option value="l" >l</option>
<div class="botaocomprar">
<form method="post" action="compra.php">
<input type="button" name="btog" value="Valor 50 $$"/>
Well I wanted to know if my logic is on the right path or I need to change or improve something, and if anyone can tell me if the part of div class="botaocomprar" is correct or missing something?
I haven’t tried anything in php yet.
I still think you should study a little more and break your head more. All the questions you are asking are extremely simple and would be solved simply with an HTML + CSS course on Youtube. The way your question history is, if you keep asking questions at this level, you walk to have your account blocked for asking bad questions. It’s a friend warning! I recommend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epDCjksKMok. Take this full course.
– Raizant
but only with html and css can you make a system like this?
– Ming
https://elojobmax.com.br/elojob has a look at?
– Ming
I was told that I would need jscript + php tb and I’m lost I started studying php I already have a notion of the majority because I know a bit of c , the structure of the language is not so difficult .
– Ming
To program for web you need to know HTML + CSS + Programming Language (Php for ex) and also recommend studying JS (Java Script). I highly recommend that you search Youtube for "Basic HTML course, and then study CSS, only after you have mastered these two, start studying PHP.
– M. Jordan