Doctrine DQL with WHERE does not work


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Good afternoon!

I’m trying to perform a query in a table of users that has FK of 4 other tables, but I believe that is not the case, and perform 2 filters in WHERE, for example WHERE login = 'string' AND id <> numero;. But nothing comes back, Obs.: put the exact information to bring a record of the table.

Out of curiosity I tested without these conditions, without the WHERE, and brings all the records of the table. So I think it might be syntax error, is it? I am doing as it is in the example of documentation:

Follow the code in the Pastebin:

1 answer


I found the mistake. In:

//** UsuariosDAO.php extends DAO.php **//
public function queryChkLogin(\Projeto\Core\Model\Usuarios $usuario)

I traded:

return $this->queryDAO($dql);


return $this->queryDAO($dql, $param);

I took the $param To test only the script with the variables right in it, I forgot to add it after... It gives an anger when it’s bullshit like that saw! hehehe

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