CSS takes time to load in window resize


Viewed 197 times


It’s a beginner’s question yet, I’m using the materialize framework and I’m having a problem that when I shrink or enlarge the window some elements take time for css to load, or sometimes I need to refresh the page to load the css of a specific element. In this case it is an icon that goes out of position when the window resizes. I was wondering if someone could help me avoid this. This is the code of the login button, where it is

<a class="dropdown-button right" href="#!" data-activates="dropdown-login" 
   data-beloworigin="true" id="btn-header">          
        <span id="text-drop">
        <i class="mdi mdi-account right"></i>
        <i class="mdi mdi-menu-down right" id="down-arrow"></i>        


#btn-header .mdi-account{
    margin-left: 5px !important;
    display: inline-block !important;
    float: none !important;
    width: 20px !important;
#btn-header .mdi-menu-down{
    margin-left: -5px !important;
    display: inline-block !important;
    float: none !important;

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Your question is unclear. Once the CSS is loaded on the page, it is active in real time... there is no such thing as "loading the CSS" when resizing the screen. It would be good to rephrase your question and explain better what is happening.

  • I made css rules for different resolutions, what happens is that when it comes to a certain resolution just when I resize the screen some properties take time to load. In case the properties that were set for that specific resolution.

  • If possible show error images and how it should look the right way. Put the full CSS with the @medias who did etc.

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