Table does not break the line


Viewed 14,621 times


Here’s what I’m using a table from the site: Datatables and here’s the deal: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

As you can see the text gets all in line which makes it difficult to read because you have to scroll my doubt is how do I make it to make automatic paragraphs or is with the table break the line.

<div class="card-block">
   <div class="dt-responsive table-responsive">
        <table id="basic-btn" class="table table-striped table-bordered">
                 <th>Nome do Cliente</th>
                 <th>Serial Number</th> 
                 <th>Num Obra</th>
                 <th style="min-width:80px;">Ação</th>
                  <td style="word-wrap:break-word"> </td>
                  <td style="vertical-align: middle;">
                     <button type="button" class="btn btn-info edit" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalEditar"><i class="fa fa-edit fa-lg"></i></button>
                     <button type="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#awesome-modal" class="btn btn-danger md-effect-1 apagar"><i class="fa fa-trash fa-lg"></i></button>
  • 1

    the table is already responsive, what you need is to break the line

  • 1

    exact thank you! missing word

  • yes this works for the column but for the text not

  • i think it’s something from datatables same

  • 1

    I only removed php which is the code that is fetching from the database

3 answers


You can use white-space to break long strings. Datatables does not have a specific style for this. You can add a CSS on the page to the table by id:

#basic-btn tr td{
    white-space: pre-wrap;

Or via jQuery:

$("#basic-btn tr td").css("white-space","pre-wrap");
  • Perfect yours has worked

  • @Shider Thank you again!

  • Thanks I!! 3rd time in 2 days You are too dear @dvd

  • @Shider That nothing, you that eh. Tah learning fast :D

  • When the teacher is good the student learns fast!!


Just set the table to table-layout:fixed and all the td for word-wrap:break-word

Like the DataTables I used the following code for the table:

<table id="example" class="display dataTable dtr-inline" cellspacing="0" width="100%" role="grid" aria-describedby="example_info" style="width: 100%;table-layout:fixed">

Detail for: table-layout:fixed

I created a css style for td:




  • I don’t know why I couldn’t even put what you indicated

  • check the table class, if it is the same

  • 1

    I changed but no longer give but I already have the solution thanks anyway!!


In this specific case, the break did not happen because it was understood that there was only one word, no spaces. Try to put some spaces, as if you were forming a sentence, then I believe that the datatable will do the automatic break of the line.

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