How to create a program that enters the web and takes data from the stock exchange


Viewed 4,373 times


Well my idea is to create a program that takes the data of cryptocurrency quotations for me to monitor, but I don’t know how to take this data live and make the program stay updating the data.

1 answer


You can use the suggestions of:

API for stock exchange quotation

Sane all via HTTP and paid, the only one marked as free is for the Excel program and I don’t think will serve for this, the example that seems more interesting is Bolsafinanceira, follows the link of how to use:

Price tables:

Using with Python 3

In Python 3 you can use urllib.request with json

import json
import urllib.request

url = "<seu-token>&codelist=ibovespa,ibrx50"

with urllib.request.urlopen(urlData) as f:
   data =
   encoding ='utf-8')

Or use the import requests

To install use the command:

 pip install requests

Or pipenv (depends on your environment)

 pipenv install requests

Should stay like this:

import requests

url = '<seu-token>&codelist=ibovespa,ibrx50';

r = requests.get(url, print=pretty')

# Exibe a resposta
  • Alphavantage also offers an API (free with limitations). Contains most of the symbols traded on Bovespa.

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