I cannot access tfs by visual 2017(English)


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I’m trying to access the TFS by VS2017 and I’m not getting it. The error says so:

The server 'http://xx.xxx.x.xx:porta/tfs' TF30063 was not added. You are not authorized to access: 'http://xx.xxx.x.xx:porta/tfs'

Well, I have my account with the email from Hotmail and my leader added me in the company projects. Below screenshot of the VS2017 screen with TFS

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I enter the server url and get the above error. What else should I do? Do I need some extra configuration? I’m on hold.

  • Who is the administrator of the TFS server? Not just add to it, it will probably have to add your user the permissions to read and write to the project

  • @Joetorres, I imagined something similar, but since he didn’t arrive, I’m waiting, but I was told there’s a guy here who solves and I’m waiting for him to finish talking to his leader and then I’ll see what’s going on.

  • I drew. Sometimes you have to see if he gave permission to some group of AD tb, and you have to be in it to access. But who will even know is Adm.

  • @Joetorres, I think the problem is in my user. When I installed VS I did with a Hotmail user. This user does not have the permissions. I need to log in with another user and I don’t know how to do it. I can’t get one run as Different user on VS2017. That’s what I need to do.

  • I type a different user and it’s wrong user or password damage

  • Then you needn’t worry about it. If you know an account that works in this repository and you want to test it, open this window to connect to a server, and add a new account by clicking on that little arrow next to your email and choosing to add a new account. Here’s where to click: https://1drv.ms/i/s! Ag-Cqqt8l3usjsg4v_sdaezyzlg_g

  • @Joetorres, this has not worked. I have tried and nothing. Does not accept another account. MS asks for an account in this format: domain name and I have it: name. only and I can’t. The link above which you passed, does not open here in the company. The firewall bar.

  • The repository you are trying to connect to is on an internal network or is in these visual studio account repositories?

  • Friend, if you are trying to connect to a Tfs on-premisses (which by the url template you put up is what you are trying to), you will not authenticate with @Hotmail, but with your network user, user contorted type

  • @Joetorres eJulio, good morning. I did it. It was just to get out of Visual Studio. I did it and I was able to access tfs. Thanks and thanks.

  • Fantastic. Microsoft and its fantáasticas rsr solutions.

  • @Joetorres, no comments. kkkk. Very good.

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