Repeat Block with animation - CSS - PHP


Viewed 314 times


I have an animation on my site, and I need to duplicate it, I mean, I need to create more of a "square" with the animation, without it conflicting with another:


from a glance down there, and click " see more info"


      <section class="conteudo1">
          <div class="servicos-3 coluna imagem-fade"  style="background:url(img/img-servicos.png) no-repeat;"></div>
          <div class="servicos-9 coluna conteudo-fade">
            <div class="titulo-conteudo-fade">
            <div class="texto-conteudo-fade">
              <span>Confira nossa variedade de serviços financeiros que podem ser realizados no seu evento.</span>
              <a href="javascript:;" class="toggle"><button class="btn btn-default btn-servicos">ver mais serviços</button></a>
      <section class="conteudo2">
          <div id="tabs">
            <div class="x-sair">
              <a href="javascript:;" class="toggle"><img src="img/x-sair-servicos.png"></a>
            <div class="col-md-3 coluna imagem-fade"  style="padding: 30px;background:#ffeed6;">
              <div class="servicos-categoria">
                <div class="btn-group-vertical btns-categoria">
                  <ul class="categoria-list">
                  <div class="botoes">
                    <div class="up"><a href="" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up" style="cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;"></a></div>
                    <div class="down"><a href="" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down" style="cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;"></a></div>
            <div class="col-md-9 coluna conteudo-categoria">
              <div class="titulo-conteudo-fade">




There are no problems in JS, the animation is the flip, I only need to have more than one "block", each block has 2 sections, the section "content1" is the front, the section "content2" is the section that you see behind, when I click on "see more info" the flip effect happens and shows the contents of the "content2" section. Everything is normal, what I need is just to create more "blocks" like this.... understood?


the solution was simple, the query was the same, hell to four the pq of it, but legal :)

  • 2

    Put here only the code that matters or is giving error, instead of posting external links, this would help a lot.

  • @Urlan posts the code here, Don’t just put the links!

  • Put here ONLY the animation code you want to duplicate, and what is this animation? What’s the problem with JS?

  • 1

    @Jorgeb. I changed the question, for a look

  • Want to have 2 flips on the same page right?

  • @Jorgeb. I changed the question, look at the picture

  • What happens when you put as in the image? With 2 or more blocks?

  • Divs stay glued, and the effect happens in 2 @Jorgeb.

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2 answers


You might as well get one id in HTML each section, and each card and wear it like this:


<div id="card1" class="card">
    <section id="section1" class="conteudo1">



And so you can make sure that one doesn’t influence the other.

  • 1

    you try Aki and I’ll tell you again if it worked.

  • nothing expensive :( .. ta fuck

  • Put the example on that makes it easier to help.

  • Try the other answer first.


  $('.x-sair img').click(function(e){

Try this because I recommend not using multiple ids to define identical styles. So it becomes more dynamic and practical at the moment when you want to make a change.

I’ll explain the first:

When the user clicks on the button with the btn-service class, the function Closest() will be called, starting from the button clicked, returning the element Parent with the nearest card class and thus inserting or removing the flipped class from it. The second is similar. Basically that’s it.


Could do in a single function too, by adding more than one comma separated selector:

  $('.x-sair img,button.btn-servicos').click(function(e){
  • That doesn’t solve his problem.

  • @Lucas with this JS, does not happen the effect

  • 1

    I tested it on your online page and it worked, not 100% as I would like (all cards were spinning, probably by the duplication I made). If you can put in jsfiddle it will help a lot. So you can modify and test in a more practical and dynamic environment.

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