Visual Studio 2017 Design XAML bug, does not recognize Resources


Viewed 348 times


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

internal static System.Drawing.Bitmap radio_hover_btn {
    get {
        object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("radio_hover_btn", 
        return ((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(obj));

I’m having trouble with this code above, it just doesn’t find my png radio_hover_btn and alleges error during execution:

System.resources.Missingmanifestresourceexception System.resources.Missingmanifestresourceexception occurred Hresult=0x80131532 Message=No suitable resource for the specified crop (or neutral crop) was found in the given Assembly. Check whether "" has been incorporated or linked to Assembly "Truckersmplauncher" correctly at compile time or whether all required satellite assemblies can be loaded and are fully signed.

The "buttons" that are actually images turn transparent color, but still perform the click function.

  • Try going in the image > Properties > Build Action and select Embedded Resource.

  • Still giving Bug, he gives exception without treatment

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