How to use plugins in Cordova


Viewed 110 times


Hello! I’m breaking up an app with Cordova, but I noticed 2 things q were missing that would transition from pages softer equal native and sound by clicking a link.

The 2 plugins are already installed, but as I am learning now with javascript do not know how to call them. My question is how do I make this call? I’ve read the instructions but I don’t understand the explanation.

I found these 2 plugins:

Page Transition:

Sound on Click:

  • Which compiler are you using? (Phonegap, Adobe Phonegap Build, etc).

  • Hello! I have installed Java, Node and Cordova and am compiling by running.

  • When you say "make this call" you mean run the plugins on a page or "link" it on the page just like we do with css and javascript through the link and script tags?

  • So in XML it looks like this: <plugin name="com.telerik.plugins.nativepagetransitions" spec=" 0.6.5" /> <plugin name="Cordova-plugin-nativeclicksound" spec="0.0.3" /> E from what I saw in the documentation, you have to call the scripts. And I can’t do that.

  • Have you tried compiling directly? When I used Intelxdk I didn’t need to link, it added plugins at compile time

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