Angular/js select option


Viewed 661 times


Guys I have an angle and an html:

I have a id that is in a variable (input hidden).

How can I compare the id of this select/option with the id what is in the contents of this variable? The list comes correctly but I am not able to do this comparison and set the default id that comes from this variable.


<div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4">
document.getElementById('myField').value = obj;
<input type="text" id="myField" name="myField" value="" />
<select class="form-control" name="cadastro" ng-options=" for cadastro in (cadastro| orderBy:'id' | filter:{active:true}) track by 'id'" ng-model="cadastro" ng-selected="id=myField">


function loadCadastro() {

var req ='lista').request('listCadstro');
requestMonitor.add('cadastro', req);
gatewayClient.execute(req).then(function(result) {
$rootScope.cadastro =;


Thanks in advance

2 answers


From what I understand you want to start the <select> with a predefined value.

For this you can use the ng-init on the tag, only that you cannot use only the value of the id, or set the whole object, you need to find the index in the list you used in ng-options so the angular scope will make the "reference" correct. I created an executable example to make it easier, but I used some different names than yours, but I think I can get an idea. Any doubt just call.


The first problem in the second example you posted is on ng-model you cannot use the same name of the variable that received the list.

The second problem is in ng-options the part that says you need to pass the name of the list and name of the variable that will represent a list item item in lista, in your case, cadastro in cadastros.

And third problem, the ng-model of <select> of an object list needs to be an object, so that angular can trackear and select the item you need.

I edited the example below according to your second example.

  .module('myApp', [])
  .controller('MyController', ['$scope', function($scope){
  //Carrega o valor do input hidden
  var obj = document.getElementById('myField').value;

  //Altere esse array pela sua request
  $scope.cadastros = [
      cadastroNumber: "Maçã",
      id: 10,
      active: true
      cadastroNumber: "Banana",
      id: 12,
      active: false
      cadastroNumber: "Abacaxi",
      id: 20,
      active: true
      cadastroNumber: "Melancia",
      id: 13,
      active: true
  //Encontra o index do objeto que deve ser selecionado
  $, index){
    if( == obj){
      $scope.indexDefault = index;
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="myApp">
  <div ng-controller="MyController">
    <input type="hidden" id="myField" name="myField" value="10" />
    <select name="cadastro" 
        for cadastro 
        in (cadastros|orderBy:'id' | filter:{active:true})
        track by


Thanks for the friendly reply. But I haven’t solved it yet.

In html:

<select class="form-control" name="cadastro" ng-options="cadastro.cadastroNumber for cadastro in (cadastro| orderBy:'id' | filter:{active:true}) track by" ng-model="cadastro" ng-init="[indexDefault]" id="cadastro">

At Angular:

function loadCadastro() {
    var req ='document').request('listActiveCadstro');
    requestMonitor.add('cmptRegisterCadastroGrid', req);
    gatewayClient.execute(req).then(function(result) {
        $rootScope.cadastro =;
        $scope.activeSimplified = true;

         var obj = document.getElementById('myField').value;

         //Encontra o index do objeto que deve ser selecionado
           $, index){
             if( == obj){
               $rootScope.indexDefault = index;

        if ($scope.simplified.length === 0) {
  'error', 'Erro:', 'Não existe.');
            $scope.activeSimplified = false;

What could I be doing wrong?

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