I have several files:
xaa.txt xab.txt xac.txt xad.txt até xcn.txt
I need to rename all files to:
nome1.txt nome2.txt nome3.txt etc...
In order, that is, xaa.txt must be the name1.txt xab.txt must be Nome2.txt and so on
It is possible to rename by terminal at once?
It matters the order that will be renamed?
– Felipe Avelar
Hello @Felipeavelar, it matters yes. xaa.txt must be name1.txt xab.txt must be Nome2.txt and so on.
– Marcelo
Yes, it is possible. go to the directory where the files are located and run the following command on the terminal. var=$(ls -1 | Sort -h); number=0; for i in $var; do mv $i i nome_$number; number=$[number + 1]; done explanation: > var=$(ls -1 | Sort -h) will get all the files you have in the directory in alphabetical order. > number=0 to start renaming from 0. > for i in $var; from mv $i nome_$number; number=$[number + 1]; done .
– Alessandro Schneider
@Alessandroschneider! It worked! Thank you!
– Marcelo