Export . csv with complement of lines based on a fixed number


Viewed 60 times


I have a table in Mysql of products. I need to create an export . csv of them.

The products are in the bank as follows:

cod    produto    valor    pagina
123    caderno     1,00    1
456    lápis       1,00    1
789    borracha    1,00    1
1122   régua       1,00    2
1123   cola        1,00    2
1122   caneta      1,00    3

I need to define a fixed number of lines per page. When the limit is not reached, you need to complete with empty spaces. Let’s imagine that the limit is 5.


cod    produto    valor    pagina
123    caderno     1,00    1
456    lápis       1,00    1
789    borracha    1,00    1
 -        -          -     -
 -        -          -     -
1122   régua       1,00    2
1122   cola        1,00    2
 -        -          -     -
 -        -          -     -
 -        -          -     -
 1122   caneta      1,00   3
 -        -          -     -
 -        -          -     -
 -        -          -     -
 -        -          -     -
 -        -          -     -

This can be done in Mysql or PHP, but does anyone have any idea how I could do it?

I have the following query:

$pagina = 0;
$quantidade = 24;
$inicio     =  ($quantidade * $pagina) - $quantidade;
$export = $conn->prepare("SELECT 
  SUBSTRING_INDEX(f.prod_preco,'.',1) AS prod_preco,
  SUBSTRING_INDEX(f.prod_preco,'.',-1) AS prod_centavos,
  REPLACE(f.prod_gramatura,',','.') AS prod_gramatura,  
  WHEN f.prod_pais = 0 THEN 'BRA' ELSE   p.iso3
  END) AS pais,
  prod_pagina AS pagina
  produto AS f
  LEFT JOIN cep_paises AS p
  ON p.numcode = f.prod_pais
  prod_periodo = '16'
  ORDER BY prod_pagina ASC
  LIMIT  $inicio,$quantidade");

while($dados = $export->fetch()){
   //exibe produtos
  echo $dados[0]."<br>";
if($export->rowCount() < $quantidade){
  $conta = $quantidade - $export->rowCount();
  while($conta <= $quantidade){
    echo $conta++;
        //preenche as linhas em branco

It causes me the following mistake:

Fatal error: Uncaught Exception 'Pdoexception' with message 'SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access Violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that Corresponds to your Mariadb server version for the right syntax to use near '-24,24' at line 18' in C: Users server htdocs systems modules products export.php:92 Stack trace: #0 C: Users server htdocs systems modules products export.php(92): Pdostatement->execute(Array) #1 {main} thrown in C: Users server htdocs systems modules products export.php on line 92

1 answer


$paginaAtual = "";
$limite = 5;
$conta = 0;
while($dados = $export->fetch()){
   //exibe produtos
  if($paginaAtual ==""){ //define a primeira pagina
      $paginaAtual = $dados["pagina"];
      $conta = 0;
  }elseif($paginaAtual != $dados['pagina']){//verifica se mudou de pagina
       while($conta < $limite){ // verifica se ficou algum item a menos
           echo "-        -          -     -"
       $paginaAtual = $dados["pagina"];
       $conta = 0;
  echo $dados["produto"]."<br>";
while($conta < $limite){ // verifica pela ultima vez
       echo "-        -          -     -"
  • What would be: FIELD == CAMPO2 ?

  • vc can replace with variables q want to use ai $val == $val2

  • returned an error while trying to do, attached the error in your reply, know what could be?

  • I added my question to the original query for you to see how it looked

  • hi, what mistake I’m not seeing here

  • I added my question, I had added in your more not showed even.

  • It seems that there is something wrong with the limit -24,24 it limit is those lines: $quantity = 24; $start = ($quantity * $page) - $quantity;

  • "-24,24" your limit is being passed a negative value, try changing the page value $pagina = 0; to $pagina = 1;

  • Stopped giving error , no longer counting the empty

  • I understood what happened, she is not breaking the pages as in the example above, he calculates the 24 as a whole, more accurate he calculates by the page column as shown in the example

  • See, I increased the quantities and returned: rowcount50 quantidade50 , the number of pages I put it adds to the pages instead of breaking them as I want

  • change the answer, remove the limit from your SQL, and change your while

  • 90% because it worked, but only on the first page, for example, in my case on page 06 it would have to happen this rule but it was not, already I broke the head in the loops but I could not find what could be

  • let me understand only on the last page is not happening filling out the remaining lines ?

  • yes, more is because so, my limit is 24 with that on page 1 has 10 it complete, page 3 has 24, page 3 has 24, and so on, page 6 has 9 it should complete until 24 more not completed

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