Failed to install Olamundo.apk on device 'Emulator-5554': EOF


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From time to time when trying to run my application in the emulator I come across the error:

[2014-07-23 20:59:09 - Olamundo] Failed to install Olamundo.apk on device 'Emulator-5554': EOF
[2014-07-23 20:59:09 - Olamundo] EOF
[2014-07-23 20:59:09 - Olamundo] launch canceled!

After that when I try to run the application again Eclipse opens a new emulator instead of using the emulator that is already open. If I impose to Eclipse to ask me which device to run on, it opens that window to choose, however no device already running appears (Choose a running Android device). It is as if the emulator that is open no longer serves, but it is very time consuming to open a new emulator every time and I would like to solve this.

How to prevent this from happening? If it is not possible to prevent it from happening, then how to recover the old emulator so that I don’t have to open a new one?

Increase the "ADB Connection timeout" made no difference at all.

I’m using the Eclipse ADT Bundle version "adt-Bundle-windows-x86-20140702", downloaded from the site Android Developers.

  • Possibly it is an emulator version error that might be crashing the emulator adb Server, so the connection between the eclipse adb and the emulator adb falls, and it does not come back to detect, what I would do in this case would be reinstalled by sdk manager this API again.

  • @melkysalem erase the ADT and create a new?

  • 1

    @Math, take a look at Genymotion. Taking out Android Wear, which still doesn’t have on Genymotion (has to be using AVD) I don’t even use AVD anymore. It creates an abstraction layer on the Virtual Box, managing the Android images and the settings of various devices, has almost no setup effort (its) is all automatic. And the best: It’s Free! There... has plugin for Eclipse and Android Studio.

  • @Wakim thanks for the tip!

  • @Wakim, though not much related to the question (I think), did not know Genymotion. I installed it here and just having the physical device for testing, it is very good, or much better than the AVD. Had played a little with Windows Phone development (Visual Studio) and IOS (Xcode), and this Emulator is not behind the simulators of the other respective Ides. Good tip. My first 5 minutes testing Genymotion is a 10. and I recommend it to everyone who has problems with AVD, as in the case of Math.

  • @Fernando thanks for the feedback, because I have not tested and now I am even more confident that I will test and approve Genymotion. By the way this problem that I had with the AVD is only one of them, the AVD itself is horrible, whenever possible I used the phone itself.

  • 1

    You can also increase the emulator timeout. See more:

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1 answer


This should happen because the emulator (in most cases) is too slow, and when adb finishes installing and sends the commands to start the installed app the emulator is not ready yet and therefore can not open the app. But probably the app was installed, and you can open it by clicking on its icon inside the emulator.

As for Wakim’s tip, I was going to tell you the same thing, give Wakim a chance Genymotion, is much faster, has some very cool functions like for example simulate the percentage of battery or battery charging for example, and is free.


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