Why is the class attribute not modified?


Viewed 59 times


I only need to send a command from one process to the other, but I wanted to understand why when modifying the variable within a function, it does not appear in another function.

from  multiprocessing import Process
import time

ComandoSerial = 0

class teste():

    var = 0

    def __init__(self):
        self.var2 = 0

    def funcao(self):
        self.__class__.var = 1
        self.var2 = 1

    def funcao2(self):
        self.__class__.var = 2
        self.var2 = 2

    def funcao3(self):
        self.__class__.var = 3
        self.var2 = 3

    def retorna(self):
        return  self.__class__.var

    def retorna2(self):
        return self.var2

test = teste()

def Teste1():

def Teste2():
    print("VALOR = ", test.retorna())

p  = Process(target= Teste1)
p1 = Process(target= Teste2)

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

The problem is that I put the value 3, but reading always returns 0.

  • The basic problem is that you are using processes and the variables are not shared with each other. You need to share this object somehow. See about it at documentation.

  • It is possible to pass a class instance to a process ?

  • I needed a different "communication" from the documentation. I need it to be according to the code above. In that idea of modifying a value in one process and reading in another.

1 answer


If this question is an extension of the previous one, about inter-process communication, you should have followed the tips you were given in it. As I said, the variables are not shared between processes and, in this way, in each process there will be a different instance; why the changes made in one process are not reflected in the others (if you give one print within the method __init__ you will see that it is called 3 times: once in the main process and 2 times in the manually created processes).

To communicate the two processes, you can use the multiprocessing.Pipe:

from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe

class Foo:
    # Classe de teste, não tente isso em casa
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = 0

def receiver(stream):
    obj = stream.recv()
    obj.value = 2

def sender(stream):
    obj = Foo()
    print("Antes:", obj.value)
    obj = stream.recv()
    print("Depois:", obj.value)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parent, child = Pipe()

    p1 = Process(target=receiver, args=(child,))
    p2 = Process(target=sender, args=(parent,))



In process 2, running the function sender, I create a new object Foo and display the initial value 0; then send it via pipe for the other process; in process 1, running receiver, I read from pipe the object, change the value of the attribute to 2 and return it via pipe; back in process 2, I read the response of process 1 and again display the value of the attribute, which will be modified.

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