Excel: How to make a time series using dynamic table and graph with accumulation of values in the row?


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I would like to make a time-series graph showing the accumulated values over time. Therefore, it would not be a zig-zag line, it would be a line denoting an evolution, as values are accumulated.

To illustrate, attach two images. The first I managed to do with the dynamic table and dynamic graph features. It shows the actual values and the zig-zag line. The second (which is the one I’d like) I did "in hand", just to illustrate here, I couldn’t do it automatically. How would it be possible?

The data is what follows:

Ano     Qtt 
1945    1 
1961    1 
1964    1 
1966    2 
1970    1 
1971    1 
1972    1 
1973    1 
1980    1 
1981    3 
1982    1 
1983    1 
1984    2 
1986    3 
1987    4 
1988    1 
1989    4 
1990    6 
1991    11 
1992    5 
1993    13 
1994    6 
1995    11 
1996    14 
1997    23 
1998    7 
1999    12 
2000    12 
2001    20 
2002    19 
2003    58 
2004    30 
2005    69 
2006    223 
2007    201 
2008    113 
2009    71 
Ignorado    28 
Total Geral 981

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • I would like to chart the second image, from the data below. Note that the values accumulate. This is what I’m calling evolution. Year Qtt 1945 1 1961 1 1964 1 1966 2 1970 1 1971 1 1972 1 1973 1 1980 1 1981 3 1982 1 1983 1 1984 2 1986 3 1987 4 1988 1 1989 4 1990 6 1991 11 1992 5 1993 13 1994 6 1995 11 1996 14 1997 23 1998 7 1999 12 2000 12 2001 20 2002 19 2003 58 2004 30 2005 69 2006 223 2007 201 2008 113 2009 71 Ignored 28 Total General 981

  • Please edit the question with this information and try to put the value in the table of this site: https://ozh.github.io/ascii-tables/, to facilitate your question to be answered.

  • 1

    Daniel, I could not enter the data through this site, sorry, I am very beginner here. I put as image, I hope you can have clarified better. Grateful and hugs!

  • Do you want to make a chart, but without using an extra column? Because if you use an extra column it is possible to add a simple formula in another column, say the values are in the column B, then in another column add: =SOMA($B$2:$B2) and use auto-fill until the last line. So the accumulated values can be seen.

  • Thanks, Daniel, if there is a solution that doesn’t add extra column, it would be better, because there are several graphics that I will do. But, anyway, the solution you presented already helps! Grateful!

1 answer



You can use the Cascade chart to view the accumulated values.


1. Select the data:

Select the data to be viewed on the accumulated chart.

Selecionar células

2. Insert graph:

Enter the chart in Inserir > Gráficos Recomendados > Todos os Gráficos and choose the Cascade.



The graph illustrates the cumulative value and how much it accumulated in each year above the bar.


  • The idea is exactly that and this way is very good. I will try to install (if it gives) this type of graph in my excel (2013) since it does not present this function. Super worth!

  • I used Excel 2016 to do this.

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