Place final line in a Latex Table


Viewed 97 times


I’m building a Latex Table and it’s giving me an error in the final horizontal line I put.





    \emph{Fases} & \emph{Descrição} & \emph{Função}\\


    1º & \Construção de um Tabuleiro de Lava & \textbf{buildLava} \\


    2 & Posição das Peças & \textbf{passosToPosition}




\caption{Fases de Resolução.}



Do you know of an alternative command that does the final row of the table.

  • Which error does it make? You tried to put the at the end of the line you have 2 & Posição das Peças & \textbf{passosToPosition}?

  • That was exactly the mistake. Thank you ;)

  • For nothing. I put as an answer then. If the answer was useful to you, please consider mark her as accepted.

1 answer


As I commented, missing a \\ in the last row of the table (that is, the line with the contents: 2 & Posição das Peças & \textbf{passosToPosition}).

In general Latex errors are not the most intuitive, but it is worth striving to understand them because sometimes (like probably this one) they can be useful.

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