How to get a value in javascript link


Viewed 1,369 times


Hello! How can I get certain values in a link? I have a url like this: slide.html? title=Volume name=12 but I only want to display the volume value in an H2.

My Code:

  var html = '';

  var query =;
  var partesDaQuery = query.split("&");
  var json = {};

      var chaveValor = partes.split('=');
      var paramsKey = chaveValor[0];
      var paramsValue = chaveValor[1];
      json[paramsKey] = paramsValue;

      html += '<h2></h2>';


  • The link is always in this pattern?

  • It is. It will keep that way.

1 answer


There are several ways to catch the string, one of them is using split('=').pop() if the string you want to capture from the URL is always the last one after the =:

URL of the page: slide.html?titulo=Nome&volume=12

var string = location.href.split("=").pop();

The result of string is 12.

An example as if local were the page URL:

local = "slide.html?titulo=Nome&volume=12"; // apenas para exemplo

var string = local.split("=").pop();


Another way with lastIndexOf:

var url_ = location.href;
var string = url_.substring(url_.lastIndexOf("=")+1,url_.length);


local = "slide.html?titulo=Nome&volume=12";

var string = local.substring(local.lastIndexOf("=")+1,local.length);


Take any parameter:

var url_ = new URL(location.href);
var string = url_.searchParams.get("volume");

If you want to take another parameter, just change volume in url_.searchParams.get("volume");

  • It worked. Vlw. And in case I just want to take the title?

  • @Oliverdamon I put at the end of the answer. Thanks!

  • Vlw. Helped a lot, bro.

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