Netbeans Connector and Chrome - MAC OS


Viewed 78 times


I recently migrated my Netbeans development IDE from Linux to MAC OS.

The problem is that I am unable to debug my Java EE project in Chrome using the Netbeans Connector extension.

Simply, when requesting debugging, Chrome opens only a blank page with the URL file:///private/var/folders/xc/2h230k1j75q4s7hk1mymy40r0000gp/T/blank6473583437075718674.html and nothing else happens.

If I access through the address localhost:8080/NomeDoProjeto, the application works normally, but I can’t debug in this condition.

In the Netbeans LOG there is no error and in Chrome, when opening the Developer Tool, it appears in the console only <html :netbeans_temporary="true"></html>

The Netbeans version is 8.2, the Chrome version is 63.0.3239.84 (Official version) 64-bit and the Netbeans Connector version is 1.1.5.

  • Just reinforcing, I already researched this and found the solutions of this post: Rq=1. Nothing solved.

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