Working layout on Android


Viewed 69 times


Only I am having difficulties to format the layout screens in Android Studio after version 3.0.0 or I am no longer knowing how to do?

My screens are mostly a Scrollview. To access the objects at the bottom, of course, I use the mouse scroll. There used to be a scroll bar that made it easier.

Worse than when I’m positioned down there and change an object property on the attribute screen it refreshes and positions again up there.

If you are adjusting the weights of the objects within the layout you will have many difficulties.

Is that right or did I miss something?

Below follows an example:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • It has how to put your xmls and your view of the IDE you are using, you are doing with Absolute position?

  • 1

    Reginaldo, I realized this tbm! What I do when I’m working on the bottom, is set android:visibility="Gone" in the above components! Usually the Scrollview has a Linearlayout inside! Already on the part of setting the weights is pretty boring even ! (I’m on 3.0.1)

  • I have a bug in the layout editing tb, mainly in the layout Constraint, but I haven’t touched scroll view yet

  • There must be some bug in the IDE. That’s why it always takes me so long to update

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