Help with ASP MVC routes (3 routes for the same action)


Viewed 87 times


I have a controller:

public class imoveisController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index(int idEstado = 0, int idCidade = 0, int[] idRegiao = null)
        string IdEstado;
        string IdCidade;
        int[] IdRegiao;


        #region MontaViewBags

        #region RetornaBairros

        #region RetornaImoveisDessesBairros

        return View(ImoveisRetornados);

In the view there is a form where the user can select 1 state and 1 city and a set of neighborhoods. And when submitted it returns to the Index action that instead of reading this data a cookie will receive from the form, do the search and return the properties. Working 100% straight.

My problem is that when returning it displays to the user the following url:


And I need to return depending on what the user selects in the form If he informed only the state:


If he also selected a city:


Could someone help me do that?

1 answer


You can use the following strategy:

public class HomeController : Controller
    [HttpGet, Route("inicio")]
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

    [HttpPost, Route("inicio/{uf?}/{municipio?}")]
    public ActionResult Index(string uf, string municipio)
        return RedirectToAction("Busca", new { uf = uf, municipio = municipio });

    public ActionResult Busca(string uf, string municipio)
        return View("Index");

Form with the fields:

    ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";

@using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "Home"))
    <input name="uf" id="uf" type="text" />
    <input name="municipio" id="municipio" type="text" />
    <input type="submit" value="BUSCAR" />

//Lembrando que é necessário configurar os MapMvcAttributeRoutes no arquivo RouteConfig.cs

When you submit the report it will send to the Action Search with new URL.

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