Popular combo with ajax call


Viewed 75 times


Well people, I would like to include a data and at the same time update the ajax that is next ...

In the code I inform the content and after selecting the new button I include the content and update the peripheral with AJAX.

<form name="sai_frm_alte_excl_mode">
    <table border="0" width="100%">
            <td colspan="3" bgcolor="Silver" align="center">
            <b><font face="arial" color="blue" size="2">Outros Periféricos</font>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
            <td align="right" width="25%">
            <font face=arial color="blue" size=2>Descrição :</font>
            <td width="70%" align="left" colspan="3">   
                <input type="text" align="left" size="40" maxlength="45" value="">
            <td width="40%" align="center">
                <button type="submit" style="width:65"><image src="../sai_imag/novo-reg.ico" ></button>
    <td align=right width=10% >
        <font face=arial color=blue size=2>Periférico :</font>
    <td id="td_fk_seq_mode" colspan="3">
    <select name="nm_cb_fk_seq_mode" id="id_cb_fk_seq_mode" style="font-size:13; color:#FF7F00;" width="250">
        <option id="opc_fk_seq_mode" value="0"> ==>Selecione o Periférico<==

But as I don’t have much notion of how to do the inclusão and at the same time update the AJAX, I came to ask for support from you. Some hint?

  • 1

    Does this solve your problem? http://jsfiddle.net/dieegov/WUXe6/1/

  • Help a little! Thanks for the tip!

  • Do you use any framework? And in what language is being developed?

  • After inclusion, it updates the peripheral by calling an iframe with other data! And is being developed in html / php

1 answer


To receive and update via Ajax, do so


            <label for="descricao">Descrição:</label>
            <input type="text" id="descricao" class="descricao" />
            <button type="button" id="Add">Adicionar</button>

            <label for="periferico">Periférico</label>
            <select name="periferico" id="periferico">
                <option value="-1" disabled selected>Selecione o Periférico</option>


        var str = $('#descricao').val();
        var removeEspaco = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");

        if(removeEspaco.length != 0) {

            $.post( "exemplo.php", { periferico: str })
              .done(function( data ) {
                      $('#periferico').append('<option value="'+data.perifericoID+'">'+data.periferico+'</option>');
                      alert("Erro ao inserir, tente novamente");
            alert("Por favor digite uma descrição");

PHP (example.php)


$data = array (
    'status'    => false

    $periferico = $_POST['periferico'];

    if(strlen(trim($perifetico)) != 0)
        //execucao da sua logica para salvar no banco de dados//

        $data = array(
            'status'        => true,
            'periferico'    => $resultadoQuery['periferico'],
            'perifericoID'  => $resultadoQuery['cdPeriferico']

echo json_encode($data);


The code above will receive via POST the value of the field, made the data treatment it will return by JSON the data for the customer.

I believe that on this basis you can develop the rest of your application, adapt to your structure.

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