SEO+ techniques currently used!


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I have been doing some research in some courses on SEO, because I believe it is a very promising subject in the field of the Internet but many things are still a mystery to me and maybe you can help me clarify my vision.

I saw several sites on the Internet that do not even appear Keywords in Metastag and still has better positioning than my site, I always try to use the ALT inside the Images, <h1> with key page contents and also use Link Building using keywords.

Could someone tell me what are the main things that influence a page’s SEO?

I’d appreciate it if you’d send some research material that you think will help, I believe that SEO is a very important technique that needs to be used in the right way to work, and that’s what I’m trying to do.

2 answers


Follow my lead.

First a lot of people think that SEO only happens inside the page, but if on the Google or Globe site you have a link pointing to your site it can be much more relevant than anything else.

So study a lot of Off-Page SEO, start reading this and then if you want to read the rest of the content that is very interesting.

Now a tip for SEO On-Page. Google is increasingly valuing sites that have good Accessibility. So study the WAI-ARIA and WCAG documentation thoroughly

Another VERY important factor is to have a good performance and a website "mobile friendly"! You can use this tool to evaluate whether your site is well accepted by Google or not.

News of 2017! Google Mobile First Index: Page Speed Included as a Ranking Factor

Page for you to test the performance of your site

Summing up what I saw again in recent times in SEO for Google would be:

  • Resposivity
  • Performance
  • Accessibility

ALL this can influence your rankings, much more than meta tags!

Another thing. Use Google tools. Add Google Analitycs, register the URL, Place a Site Map and build a good Robots.TXT (about the site map)

HTTPS protocol as a ranking factor

Another news from 2017, but that has been spoken for some time...

Google will give preference to secure websites that is, if your website is HTTPS may have a better search result, because the sites HTTP will be classified as "unsafe" inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


Pay close attention to Google’s PUNISHMENT rules!

For example, avoid abusive use of notifications, like those windows that now appear on any site! inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Also avoid blocking your content with Pop-ups as in this image. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

These are factors that Google can use to decrease its rank!



Some time ago I wrote a small manual about this, I will leave some important excerpts as a response and link the PDF at the end.

Principles of SEO

Spiders, Bots & Crawlers (Are the robots)

Robots are programs that serve to analyze and index the content of your page in the search engines.

  • They make a copy of the website. For this the site needs to be readable (Many images impair indexing, Javascript or Flash navigation, never use Flash).
  • New sites need links (The more links you have to or site through Blogs, Social Networks, Institutional Sites and etc, the more robots will visit the site to update the contents).


Know at least the basics of HTML (It is very important!!!).

How to structure a page with Title tags, Subtitle, Description Product, Captions, bold, italic, etc. Run a quick test to see if your store is indexed. Typing in google "".

Keyword Search (Keyword Research)

Keyword Search(Keyword) is the basis for improving the positioning. Use clear words to describe the site and products. The keywords are the foundation. Select the right words using search tools like Google Adwords and Google Trends. Do not use words that only your company knows, that is, technical terms that your customers do not use or do not know.(in-house) Important: People do not seek in the same way, and there will always be variations in searches. Original and exclusive content wins better rankings. Do not use the product description provided by the manufacturer create your.

Optimization Methods

On Page On Page is the part of optimization that we should give more importance, despite be much needed, is not all. Onpage elements to be observed and optimized:

Title - Head Tags - Meta tags - URL

Title - One of the most important parts of On Page. Google Webmasters Tools provides a complete and extremely important analysis that includes duplicate titles and other factors that can get in the way. The first step to optimize the site is to optimize the title and with a different title for each page.

Head Tags - It’s the famous H1, H2... up to H6, which to us seems to be just a visual organization, but to robots is a content organization and level of importance of each sub-title.

Meta Description - That’s where you’ll write about that page, a kind of summary of what the user will find on the page. Just like Head Tags, they cannot be duplicated, each page with its Meta Description. Another very important issue in this tag is that it cannot exceed 160 characters. You can get as close as possible, preferably 160 exact characters, but you can’t pass. This is the description that will appear below the site title in Google’s organic search result and what exceeds 160 will not be displayed.

URL - The URL should contain the fewest possible characters, the fewest separators and still have a lot of information, no doubt it is easier than it looks. It is also very important that the URL has separators in the form of hyphen (-) and not underscore or underline as it is known (_), as robots do not consider underscores as word separators.

Off Page

Unlike page On SEO, SEO outside the page refers to activities outside the page boundaries. The most important ones are:

Link Building - Link Building is the most popular off-page SEO method. Basically it is done by building external links to your site, you must gather as many notes to the site, so you can ignore your competitors with higher rating. For example, if someone likes an article and references it elsewhere, this is like telling search engines that this page has good information and that it can be useful for future users. (But be very careful with the quality of the links pointed)

Social Media - Social media is an important part of SEO Off Page and if you thinking about it, is also a form of link building. Note that almost all links you get from social media sites are "nofollow", but that doesn’t mean they don’t have any value.

Social Bookmarking - Social bookmarking is not as popular as it used to be be in the past, but it’s still a good way to get traffic to the site. Depending on the niche you can find sites like,,, and (to name a few) to promote the content. In Brazil it is not very common, but it is an alternative.

Domain Authority

The SEO Domain Authority is just a metric that evaluates a number of off-page factors of the domain as a whole that gives it greater or lesser relevance compared to other sites present in the databases of major search engines, such as Google, for example. Factors that may be decisive in this domain authority calculation:

Domain Age, Site Reputation, Link Pointing, Inbound Link Quality, Link Diversity, Time Pattern, Distributive Analysis.

It’s not easy to manipulate such an indicator and it’s actually much easier to follow good SEO practices than to waste time with this type of manipulation. The authority of the site comes naturally with the publication of quality content and a well-distributed and calibrated Link Building strategy.

Link to the manual file

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