SIGEP - Unauthorised service


Viewed 143 times


In php-Sigep’s.php Posting these lines can be changed according to the codes received in the searchClient() or are codes that should not be changed?

linha 9: const SERVICE_PAC_41068 = 04669;
linha 13: const SERVICE_SEDEX_40096 = 04162;
linha 32: self::SERVICE_PAC_41068 => array('Pac 41068', 124884),
linha 36: self::SERVICE_SEDEX_40096 => array('Sedex 40096', 124849),
  • @Stavarengo can give me a light AGAIN? :)

  • You know scoring a person who hasn’t interacted is no use, check?

  • Yes. But I didn’t. I just edited my question. If you can see the dates, you’ll see that the comment I marked is from the 13th/12th. Check?

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