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The problem is I can’t separate the arquivo_novo of /root/arquivo_novo, as indicated below. I only need the "new file" to be able to enter the LOOP IF and the system returns /root/arquivo_novo and never enters the LOOP IF. I can’t consider the /root/ because I don’t know where the file will be.

>>>["find / -iname arquivo*],shell=True)
>>> /root/**arquivo_novo**
>>> 0
>>> subprocess.check_output(["find / -iname arquivo*"],shell=True)
>>> b'/root/**arquivo_novo**\n'

1 answer


The code below, #1 captures the output of the command as you suggested. We then use the #2 function of the module os to separate the base name of the absolute path. That is nothing more than passing the absolute path to '/tmp/'. split(/')[-1]

>>> path = subprocess.check_output(["find / -iname arquivo*"], shell=True) #encontrado /tmp/ #1

>>> import os
>>> file_name = os.path.basename(path) #2

>>> file_name
>>> b''
>>> #decodificar
>>> file_name.decode('utf-8')
>>> ''
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