Project C# Closing Visual Studio


Viewed 949 times


I recently made a Console Application project that saves PDF files with Report Viewer and worked normally.

I needed to change the SQL Server that generates these files and changed the directory to save these files, until then nothing else, however, the application works normally and saving the files until it closes suddenly and still closes Visual Studio (2013) without demonstrating error or apparent exception.

This application is famous for using a lot of RAM, about 1.5GB of RAM, for saving reports with a high degree of complexity. Maybe the process manager is ending the Visual Studio process but, I don’t know how to stop it.

I thank anyone who can help.

  • Did you test on a more powerful machine? It doesn’t take much since Visual Studio is 32bits

  • so dude, I tried to run on VS but, it keeps giving the same problem though, when I compile the project and install on the machine it works normally.

1 answer


I’ve been through something similar, in my case it was an extension that was doing this.

First of all I would check the application, if it has untreated exceptions, memory Leak among others.. but if it is running perfectly on the client it may be a problem on your IDE/Environment.

Disable all extensions, e.g.: Reshaper, Ozcode, Codemaid etc.. mainly those that carry components for Debug (Ozcode type) helps a lot, but ends up weighing and may be a reason your IDE has problems.

Make Visualstudio and OS updates.

If it is possible to migrate to a newer version of Visualstudio and test.

  • 1

    So, dude, I disabled the extensions, re-installed the VS, and kept closing myself. to work, I had to publish the project and run it by the installer, so it goes all the way without closing :(

  • dude.. really weird! Out of curiosity you’re using which version of VS?

  • VS 2013 Professional, I talked to the guy who started the project and I found that this error happens always in this project, even in other machines it happens, now I can’t tell if it’s a problem of VS or not

  • Can you test in the recent VS Community? Visual Studio is famous for having a lot of bugs (with all due respect to MS staff). From 2013 to here (~ 7 years old) there have certainly been many corrections. Just like Win 7 old versions lose support, it is recommended to migrate to newer versions (I believe MS support will answer you something like this).

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