Appear button after filling two fields


Viewed 662 times


I have 2 date fields and I will use these dates in a select and I would like a "query" button to appear only when the two fields are filled, follow the current code:

     <form method="post" action="">

          Início do período:
          <input type="text" id="calendarioIni" name="dataInicio">*
          Fim do período:
          <input type="text" id="calendarioFim" name="dataFim">*
          <input type="submit" value="Consultar"/>**                                                                    

          <?php if(isset($_POST['dataInicio']) && isset($_POST['dataFim']))
               $dataIni = $_POST['dataInicio'];
               $dataFim = $_POST['dataFim'];
               echo $dataIni."<br>";//Teste para verificar o valor nas variáveis que recebem a data via POST
               echo $dataFim;


       window.onload = function(){
   var dataIni = document.querySelector("#calendarioIni");
   var dataFim = document.querySelector("#calendarioFim");

   dataIni.addEventListener('input', checaVazio );
   dataFim.addEventListener('input', checaVazio );

   function checaVazio(){
      var botao = document.querySelector("form input[type='submit']"); = dataIni.value && dataFim.value ? "inline" : "none";

    var start = new Date(1997, 12, 01);
    var end = new Date(1998, 11, 31) ;
    var view = new Date(1997, 12, 01);

    $(document).ready(function() {
           endDate: end,
           startDate: start,
           startView: view


    $(document).ready(function() {
           endDate: end,
           startDate: start,
           startView: view



*calendarioIni and calendarioFim are a datepicker.
**button that you would like to appear only after filling the calendars

What changes should occur so that the button only appears with the dates completed?

2 answers


Whoa, good afternoon, guys. What you can do to solve this is to add the display: None in the style of the button and check via jquery to see if the inputs have any content. Follow the modifications below:

<input type="text" id="calendarioIni" onchange="ValidarPreenchimento()" name="dataInicio">*
Fim do período:
<input type="text" id="calendarioFim" onchange="ValidarPreenchimento()" name="dataFim">*
<input type="submit" value="Consultar" style="display:none" id="btnConsultar"/>**

I added an onchange event to both calendar inputs and below is Function that does the validation

function ValidarPreenchimento(){
    var calendarioIni = $('#calendarioIni').val();
    var calendarioFim = $('#calendarioFim').val();

    if(calendarioIni != "" && calendarioFim != ""){

Just don’t forget to add the reference to jquery... I hope I’ve helped!

  • i already have a script that defines some attributes of the calendar, it does not have this "type="", I open another block script just for this validation method or I can put inside the same one that I already use?

  • I usually put in separate block

  • you could explain better about the reference to jquery?

  • <src="jquery-3.1.0.min. js"></script> I’m using a local file before this block I mentioned in the reply, but you can go to the Jquery website and download or use the address they make available

  • and this block I would put before the button?

  • You can put it in the head

  • turns out that this is a system I’m working on, it’s full of <script src=" folders.. /vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>, and has this reference but is in the footer... I tested the code you sent and the button did not open

  • If the jquery you are using is in the footer, this block I passed you must be below the jquery reference.

Show 3 more comments


Datepicker captures the event of clicking on a date on onSelect:. This way, we need to add 2 onSelect: in each function applying the timetables to inputs, and call them a function that will check if the fields are empty.

var dataIni = document.querySelector("#calendarioIni");
var dataFim = document.querySelector("#calendarioFim");

function checaVazio(){
   var botao = document.querySelector("form input[type='submit']"); = dataIni.value && dataFim.value ? "inline" : "none";

var start = new Date(1997, 12, 01);
    var end = new Date(1998, 11, 31) ;
    var view = new Date(1997, 12, 01);

    $(document).ready(function() {
           endDate: end,
           startDate: start,
           startView: view,
           onSelect: checaVazio


    $(document).ready(function() {
           endDate: end,
           startDate: start,
           startView: view,
           onSelect: checaVazio

<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

<form method="post" action="">

  Início do período:
  <input type="text" id="calendarioIni" name="dataInicio">*
  Fim do período:
  <input type="text" id="calendarioFim" name="dataFim">*
  <input style="display: none;" type="submit" value="Consultar" />**                                                                    

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