How to install LLVM?


Viewed 351 times


How to install the Clang/LLVM in windows to run C programs in bash always appears "failed to find msbuilt toolsets" when installing llvm??

1 answer


You can download the installers for windows on:

In this case there are two versions:

For more recent versions visit the cited link at the beginning

Note that at the time of installation the following screen will appear:

llvm instalação

Select how I left in the example, you can switch to All Users if desired, the icon on the desktop is optional, but for ease you can leave it there.

Note: You’ll probably have to install the, if not already installed.

Once installed to test only, create a file in the folder you want with name hello.c, then add this to it:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    printf("Stack Overflow");
    return 0;

Then via CMD or Powershell navigate to the folder, something like:

cd c:\pasta\aonde\salvei\meu\programa

So type this and hit Enter:

clang hello.c -o hello.exe

Then in the CMD type this:


If all goes well the text will appear:

Stack Overflow

Sample test on my computer:

hello world com clang

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