Compare and replace Intel array


Viewed 285 times


The problem and the following, I am creating daily OS chart, only that comes from the bank with day in English, I would like to replace each index with the value in Portuguese My code

    public function osSemanal($id_company)
    $periodo = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('-7 days'));
    $sql = $this->db->prepare("select DAYNAME(dt_chegada) as dia, count(id) as os_gerada from os where id_company= :id_company
    and dt_chegada >= :periodo group by DAYNAME(dt_chegada) order by dt_chegada");
    $sql->bindValue(":id_company", $id_company);
    $sql->bindValue(":periodo", $periodo);
    $result = $sql->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);

    foreach ($result as $res):            
        $dados[$res->dia] = $res->os_gerada;

    echo json_encode($dados);

Comes from the bank:

"dia"=> "Friday",
"os_gerada"=> 1

"dia"=> "Sunday",
"os_gerada"=> 4

Is generated:

"Friday" => 1,
"Sunday" => 4

Expected result:

"Sexta" => 1,
"Domingo"=> 4

3 answers


You can use strftime after defining the location:

setlocale(LC_TIME, 'pt_BR', 'pt_BR.utf-8', 'pt_BR.utf-8', 'portuguese');

echo ucfirst(strftime('%A', strtotime('Monday'))); // Segunda
echo ucfirst(strftime('%A', strtotime('Sunday'))); // Domingo
echo ucfirst(strftime('%A', strtotime('Wednesday'))); // Quarta
echo ucfirst(strftime('%A', strtotime('Friday'))); // Sexta
  • Mto good! I will delete my answer!

  • with implement in my code, I could not here


You can create an array with the days of the week translation, then go through your array translating the key in this way:


$arr1 = ['Monday' => 1, 'Tuesday' => 2, 'Wednesday' => 4];
$arrTranslate = ['Monday' => 'Segunda', 'Tuesday' => 'Terça', 'Wednesday' => 'Quarta'];

$newArray = [];
foreach($arr1 as $key => $value){

    $newArray[$arrTranslate[$key]] = $value;



Or you can also before running your query call another command in Mysql that changes the language:

SET lc_time_names = 'pt_BR';

So your method would look like this:

public function osSemanal($id_company)
    $periodo = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('-7 days'));
    $sqlAux = $this->db->prepare("SET lc_time_names = 'pt_BR'");
    $sql = $this->db->prepare("select DAYNAME(dt_chegada) as dia, count(id) as os_gerada from os where id_company= :id_company
    and dt_chegada >= :periodo group by DAYNAME(dt_chegada) order by dt_chegada");
    $sql->bindValue(":id_company", $id_company);
    $sql->bindValue(":periodo", $periodo);
    $result = $sql->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);

    foreach ($result as $res):
        $dados[$res->dia] = $res->os_gerada;

    echo json_encode($dados);
  • foreach ($result as $res): &#xA; $dados[$res->dia] = $res->os_gerada;&#xA; endforeach; &#xA; $arrTranslate = ['Monday' => 'Segunda', 'Tuesday' => 'Terça', 'Wednesday' => 'Quarta','Thursday'=>'Quinta','Friday'=>'Sexta',&#xA; 'Saturday'=>'Sabado','Sunday'=>'Domingo']; &#xA; $newArray = [];&#xA; foreach($dados as $key => $value){ &#xA; $newArray[$arrTranslate[$key]] = $value; &#xA; }

  • got better this way, and one foreach less kkk, vlw

  • because it is @Juniorramoty, when I answered the first time, I did not have the example of Query, I thought that the array could be coming from some plugin, so I answered the need of the moment. ai when posted.

  • i intendi, vlw


You can translate the days of the week with Switch or with the example IF below:

$DIA_en = array();
// Armazenar os dias da semana em uma array
$DIA_en['DIA'] = array('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday');
for($x = 0; $x <= count($DIA_en['DIA']); $x++) {
    if( $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] == "Monday" ) {
        echo "Antes: " . $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] . "<br>";
        $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] = "Segunda";
        echo "Depois: " . $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] . "<hr>";
    } else if ( $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] == "Tuesday" ) {
        echo "Antes: " . $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] . "<br>";
        $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] = "Terça";
        echo "Depois: " . $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] . "<hr>";
    } else if ( $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] == "Wednesday" ) {
        echo "Antes: " . $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] . "<br>";
        $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] = "Quarta";
        echo "Depois: " . $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] . "<hr>";
    } else if ( $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] == "Thursday" ) {
        echo "Antes: " . $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] . "<br>";
        $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] = "Quinta";
        echo "Depois: " . $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] . "<hr>";
    } else if ( $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] == "Friday" ) {
        echo "Antes: " . $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] . "<br>";
        $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] = "Sexta";
        echo "Depois: " . $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] . "<hr>";
    } else if ( $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] == "Saturday" ) {
        echo "Antes: " . $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] . "<br>";
        $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] = "Sábado";
        echo "Depois: " . $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] . "<hr>";
    } else if ( $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] == "Sunday" ) {
        echo "Antes: " . $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] . "<br>";
        $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] = "Domingo";
        echo "Depois: " . $DIA_en['DIA'][$x] . "<hr>";

Will return:

Before: Monday

Then: Monday

Before: Tuesday

Then: Tuesday

Before: Wednesday

Then: Wednesday

Before: Thursday

Then: Thursday

Before: Friday

Then: Friday

Before: Saturday

After: Saturday

Before: Sunday

Then: Sunday

  • 1

    Consider answering in need of question, it wants translation of array indices where your answer does not apply.

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