Search Database By Selecting Select Options


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good morning. I have a little problem I’m having trouble solving. The situation is as follows: I have 2 selects (State and city), I would like that when selecting a state the system did a search in my BD to find distributors of that state and when selecting the city the system further refines the search for distributors of that particular state + certain city. All this without needing a button and without refreshing the page.

I tried to adapt a code I found on the Internet, but there is no error, nor appears any result.

States and cities are automatically populated:

<select class="select-onde-comprar" onchange="buscarOndeComprar()" id="estado" name="estado"></select>
<select class="select-onde-comprar" onchange="buscarOndeComprar()" id="cidade" name="cidade"></select>

Javascript function that should link to the search. I believe this is where the problem lies.

var req;

function buscarOndeComprar() {

// Verificando Browser
if(window.XMLHttpRequest) {
   req = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if(window.ActiveXObject) {
   req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

// Arquivo PHP juntamente com o valor digitado no campo (método GET)
var estado = document.getElementById('estado').value;
var cidade = document.getElementById('cidade').value;

var url = "busca-onde-comprar.php?estado="+estado+"&cidade="+cidade;

// Chamada do método open para processar a requisição"Get", url, true);

// Quando o objeto recebe o retorno, chamamos a seguinte função;
req.onreadystatechange = function() {

    // Exibe a mensagem "Buscando Distribuidores e Revendedores..." enquanto carrega
    if(req.readyState == 1) {
        document.getElementById('resultado').innerHTML = 'Buscando Distribuidores e Revendedores...';

    // Verifica se o Ajax realizou todas as operações corretamente
    if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {

    // Resposta retornada pelo busca.php
    var resposta = req.responseText;

    // Abaixo colocamos a(s) resposta(s) na div resultado
    document.getElementById('resultado').innerHTML = resposta;


// Incluir aquivo de conexão

// Recebe o valor enviado
$estado = $_GET['estado'];
$cidade = $_GET['cidade'];

// Procura titulos no banco relacionados ao valor
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM distribuidor WHERE estado = ".$estado." and cidade = ".$cidade."");
}else {
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM distribuidor WHERE estado = ".$estado."");
// Exibe todos os valores encontrados
if (!empty($sql)){
while ($ondecomprar = mysql_fetch_object($sql)) {
    <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 onde-comprar">
         <h4 class=""><?php echo $ondecomprar->nome?></h4>
         <p><?php echo $ondecomprar->endereco?>, <?php echo $ondecomprar->numero?> - <?php echo $ondecomprar->bairro?><p>
         <p><strong>Cidade:</strong> <?php echo $ondecomprar->cidade?> - <?php echo $ondecomprar->estado?></p>
         <p><strong>Telefone:</strong> <?php echo $ondecomprar->telefone?></p>
         <p><strong>Celular:</strong> <?php echo $ondecomprar->celular?> <i class="fa fa-whatsapp" aria-hidden="true"></i></p>
} else{
<div class="row-fluid">
    <div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 titulos text-center">
         <h4>Ainda não possuímos nenhum distribuidor ou revendedor cadastrado para este estado.</h4>



Example of a site where you have this search:

  • why it does not do so, as it selects the city it completes the state and suppliers

  • For me to select a city, first I have to choose the state, because to appear the cities I depend on a selected state.

  • from what I saw you do the database search right, da para fazer uma função que a medida que selecionaque algo ele complete os fornecedores

  • You do not prefer to use AJAX with Jquery?

  • Yes, but how to do it? I’m bumping into the execution

  • I will illustrate from your data.

  • @Andrei Coelho awaits your example, to see if it helps me solve the problem. Thank you

  • I’ll do it this afternoon. I’ll use exactly your parameters

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3 answers


First of all, you lack the "&" that is used when you pass more than one parameter in get.

var url = "search-where-to-buy.php? status="+status+"&city="+city;

  • True. Maybe this will solve.

  • It really had forgotten about &, but it still didn’t work. It doesn’t search, doesn’t generate error or anything.. rsrs


What you need to do is change two things...

1) Jquery:

$(document).ready(function() {


function buscarOndeComprar() {

// Verificando Browser
if(window.XMLHttpRequest) {
   req = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if(window.ActiveXObject) {
   req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
.... resto do código ...

2) O select

<select class="select-onde-comprar" id="estado" name="estado"></select>
<select class="select-onde-comprar" id="estado" name="estado"></select>

The problem was that you were mixing JQUERY with pure JS. So your select couldn’t call the function buscarOndeComprar() directly.

  • From what I’m seeing the problem is in the JS file call. I changed the JS to just this here: Function searchOndeComprar() { Alert("COULD NOT PERFORM THE REQUEST"); } to see if the alert appeared when choosing an option in select and even that doesn’t happen. It seems that this here "onchange="searchOndeComprar()"" is not calling the function

  • @Fredericomoreira appeared the Alert?

  • You didn’t show up....

  • @Fredericomoreira if it did not appear, try to change the positioning of the script

  • First place HTML after JAVASCRIPT

  • Already this so, first HTML, JS always put at the bottom of the page.

  • @Fredericomoreira Put it like this onchange="buscarOndeComprar();" no select (put a ";")

  • Still not calling. See the link where the code is: This may make it easier to find the error

  • @Fredericomoreira The problem is that you are mixing the two things... The initial call is within Jquery. I will edit the answer.

  • I have already changed the place of the call several times, to see if somewhere works.. rsrs

  • I think I figured out the problem. I think it’s causing conflict between the JS that generates the names of states and cities with the JS that does the search. I created a select from scratch and called the JS and appeared the alert.

  • @Fredericomoreira I changed the answer... now your functions will work

  • I think it will now. .rsr. At least it has already generated an error in the file that does the search when selecting the city...

  • @Fredericomoreira does not forget to evaluate the answer. Hug!

  • 1

    You can leave that I will evaluate yes. Thank you very much for your help.

  • @Fredericomoreira quiet... If you need to call here!

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A simple (more or less) example that can help you:

Javascript(jQuery): - Here you will make the ajax request and check which state is selected, with the return of ajax (which will have a json of cities on return), options will be opened in the select of cities.

$(document).ready( function ()
    $("#filtro").change(function() {
        var option = $(this).find('option:selected').val();
        if(option == 0)
            carregaCidades(option, "#cidade");
    // -- Edit --
    $(document).on("change", "#cidade", function() {
        var option = $(this).find('option:selected').val();
        carregaFornecedores(option, "#cidade"); // Só crie a função e o ajax

function carregaCidades(estado, selecionado="#cidade"){
// alert(selecionado);
        dataType: 'json',
        data: "op=buscaCidade&estado="+estado,
        url: "buscacidades.php",
        success: function(dados){
            // alert(dados);
            $(selecionado).append($('<option>', {
                value: 0,
                text: 'Todas'
            for(var i=0;dados.length>i;i++){
                $(selecionado).append($('<option>', {
                    value: dados[i].id_cidade,
                    text: dados[i].nome

        }, error:function(dados){ alert("ERROU"); }

HTML or View: - Here is the simple view page with the ids in the selects that will be used in jQuery

    <select class="c-select" style="line-height: 17px;width:100%" name="filtro" id="filtro">
        <option value="0">Todos os Estados</option>
        <option value="AC">Acre</option>
        <option value="AL">Alagoas</option>
        <option value="AP">Amapá</option>
        <option value="AM">Amazonas</option>
        <option value="BA">Bahia</option>
        <option value="CE">Ceará</option>
        <option value="DF">Distrito Federal</option>
        <option value="ES">Espirito Santo</option>
        <option value="GO">Goiás</option>
        <option value="MA">Maranhão</option>
        <option value="MS">Mato Grosso do Sul</option>
        <option value="MT">Mato Grosso</option>
        <option value="MG">Minas Gerais</option>
        <option value="PA">Pará</option>
        <option value="PB">Paraíba</option>
        <option value="PR">Paraná</option>
        <option value="PE">Pernambuco</option>
        <option value="PI">Piauí</option>
        <option value="RJ">Rio de Janeiro</option>
        <option value="RN">Rio Grande do Norte</option>
        <option value="RS">Rio Grande do Sul</option>
        <option value="RO">Rondônia</option>
        <option value="RR">Roraima</option>
        <option value="SC">Santa Catarina</option>
        <option value="SP">São Paulo</option>
        <option value="SE">Sergipe</option>
        <option value="TO">Tocantins</option>
    <select type="text" id="cidade" class="form-control " name="cidade">
        <option value="0">Todas</option>

PHP: - Here you only have to search and return the values according to the id selected there in html.

$query = "SELECT * from cidades WHERE estado = ".$_POST["estado"];
$result = mysql_query($query);
echo json_encode(mysql_fetch_row($result));
//Teste esse retorno, não tenho certeza da função correta do mysqli
  • The state and city select I already managed to make work. By selecting the state it already fills the select with the cities of that state. The problem is time to do a search of distributors of that state and city. No query is generated when selecting.

  • Because this city field is a dynamical field your js will have to be a bit dferente, I will edit the section of jQuery

  • I already have the JS making popular the state and city select, these are working perfectly. What I need to do is that when selecting a particular state it calls a js function to do the search in the comic without refreshing the page, then if the person chooses a city there will do another search refining the results just for that city. What is currently happening is q when selecting a state or city does not happen nd, it seems that this calling function JS

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