Entity Linq consultation in many-to-many relationship


Viewed 153 times


I inherited a bank that is untouchable... despite having some very "strange" things. For example I have the following situation that would represent an n-n relationship but the relationship does not actually exist.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In other words, a neighborhood can have many properties and a property can... have many neighborhoods. And to make the relationship between tbBairro and tbBairroImovel even worse doesn’t exist.

Now I need to search the bank for a list of all the properties that are on a list of neighborhoods. Kind of:

int[] ListaIdsBairros = { 10, 2, 37 };
imoveis = MeuContexot.tbImovel.Where(I => ListaIdsBairros.Contains(não sei o que por aqui));

I don’t even know if it’s possible to do this research on a single line. Will I have to make a looping in Listaidsbairros adding the return of real estate for each neighborhood in a general list of real estate???

Does anyone have an idea how to do this search?

Added later --------------------------------------------------

Today I can only do so:

List<tbImovel> ResultImoveis = new List<tbImovel>();
        foreach (var Bairro in ListaDeIds)
            List<tbImovel> Imoveis = new List<tbImovel>();
            Imoveis = ctx.tbBairroImovel.Where(bi => bi.idBairro == Bairro.idBairro).Select(bi => bi.tbImovel).ToList();
            foreach(var imovel in Imoveis)

But I’m trying to make it better.

  • Is Lazy Loading enabled? This "flaw" in the mapping has been made to avoid problems with the serialization of this search, even if it is wrong.

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