How do I direct an Action to a view inside a folder?


Viewed 721 times


In my Ugcontroller I have an Action named Register that takes me to the View Register.cshtml that is in the UG folder.

That is to say:

Controller: UGController
Action: Cadastro()
Link: /UG/Cadastro
View: /UG/Cadastro.cshtml

Until then normal. But I would like to create a folder inside the UG View to put another file

Controller: UGController
Action: ?
Link: /UG/PDF/Lista
View: /UG/PDF/Lista.cshtml

Doubt: How to get Action to take me to the.cshtml List with the link I described?

2 answers



return View("caminho/para/sua/pasta/NomeDaView");

For example:

Controller: MyController
Action: MyAction
Link: MyController/MyAction
View: Views/MyController/PastaQualquer/MyAction

public ActionResult MyAction()
   return View("PastaQualquer/MyAction")

If you don’t resolve on return View(""), will have to create a new route.


In your case I’d be:

return View("UG/PDF/Lista");

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