Best way for a bean to call another bean passing itself as a parameter in JSF


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I have a 1:n relationship, where a System can have multiple Loggers. I also have two Beans: one for System (Systemsbean that refers to page systems.xhtml) and another for Logger (Loggerbean that refers to page Loggers.xhtml). On the.xhtml systems page for each system displayed in a datatable, there is a button that when clicked, should go to the Loggers.xhtml page and show all the Loggers of that system. I don’t know very well JSF, so what I do is the following (although I don’t know if it’s the right way to do it). When the user clicks on the system to see which are his logger, I call a function that stores in the session the system that was chosen and then I redirect the nevegação to the page Loggers.xhtml. Thus:

public void vaiPraLoggers(Sistema sistema) {
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

    context.getExternalContext().getSessionMap().put("sistema", sistema);

    NavigationHandler handler = context.getApplication().getNavigationHandler();
    handler.handleNavigation(context, null,"/pages/alert/alert-loggers?faces-redirect=true" );

Until then, it’s working right, it’s redirecting.

The problem is that on the page Loggers.xhtml there is , in addition to the datatable that displays all the Loggers of the system a button to add a new logger. When this button is clicked, it should set as the logger system the system that was saved in the session that was loaded by the Loggerbean @Postconstructor. Thus:

private void initialize(Sistema sistema) {
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

    this.usuarioLogado = (Usuario) context.getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("usuarioLogado");
    this.sistema = (Sistema) context.getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("sistema");
    this.logger = new Logger();
    this.loggerDao = new LoggerDAO();

And method that should save:

public void novoLogger() {
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    msgTela = verificaRequisitosLogger();
    if(StringUtils.isBlank(msgTela)) {
            this.loggerDao.salvar(logger, usuarioLogado);


            this.msgTela = Autenticador.getLocale().getString("sucessoLoggerSalvo");
            context.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "", msgTela));    
    }else {
        context.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "", msgTela));

What happens is that in the method that saves the logger, the system is null. It seems that it does not call @Postconstruct.

All my scopes are @Viewscoped, I don’t know if that’s what’s interfering. Someone knows what I’m doing wrong, or the best way to do what I want?

thank you

1 answer


In implementations using JSF I don’t usually pass the entire object to the next page. What I normally do is pass the id to the destination page, and in this I do a query by loading the entire object. For example:

Consultation page

                    <p:column headerText="Título"
                              filterBy="#{tarefa.titulo}" filterMatchMode="contains"
                        <h:link value="#{tarefa.titulo}" outcome="cadastro-tarefa.xhtml">
                            <f:param name="id" value="#{}"/>

Landing page

    <f:viewParam name="id" value="#{cadastroTarefaMB.idTarefa}" converter="javax.faces.Long"/>
    <f:event listener="#{cadastroTarefaMB.inicializar()}" type="preRenderView"></f:event>


    public void inicializar() {
    if (idTarefa != null) {
        tarefa = tarefaService.porId(idTarefa);


If you were to pass the entire object to the next page, surely you will have to load it completely on this page. Making consultation unnecessary and may influence system performance.

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