Show a number in 2 decimal places


Viewed 11,852 times


How do I calculate a input (integer value) and a variable in (real) currency in javascript?

The result is being 6.7 and not 6.70 (I have tried many examples here of the forum, but nothing yet).

function Calcular() {
  var valor1 = 3.35;
  var teste = Number(document.getElementById("teste").value);
  var result = document.getElementById("Resultado");
  if (result.textContent === undefined) {
    result.textContent = String(teste * valor1);
  } else { // IE
    result.innerText = String(teste * valor1);
<input type="text" id="teste" name="teste" onkeyup="Calcular();" value="2">
<div id="Resultado"></div>

3 answers


The calculation you already do, so I understood what you want is to show the value in 2 decimal places, for this, you can use the method toFixed() of JS.

The toFixed() method formats a number using a fixed point notation.

function Calcular() {
  var valor1 = 3.35;
  var teste = Number( document.getElementById( "teste" ).value);
  var result = document.getElementById( "Resultado" );
  if ( result.textContent === undefined ) {
    result.textContent =  (teste * valor1).toFixed(2);
  } else { // IE
    result.innerText =  (teste * valor1).toFixed(2);
<input type="text" id="teste" name="teste" onkeyup="Calcular();" value="2" />

<div id="Resultado"></div>


Javascript has a method toFixed() where you can determine with how many decimal places you want to show your value


You must inform the JavasSript what is the accuracy of the variable Number you want, using the toFixed.

OBS: toFixed will turn your number into a string.

Then it would look like this:

function Calcular() {
  var valor1 = 3.35;
  var teste = Number( document.getElementById( "teste" ).value);
  var result = document.getElementById( "Resultado" );
  /* Informando a precisão de 2 casas  */
  var valorFinal = (teste * valor1).toFixed(2);
  if ( result.textContent === undefined ) {
    result.textContent =  String( valorFinal );
  } else { // IE
    result.innerText =  String( valorFinal );
<input type="text" id="teste" name="teste" onkeyup="Calcular();" value="2">
<div id="Resultado"></div>

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