How to center layout


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I want to center this panel, even when the screen is maximized, I want it to stay centered. Not as it is.

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inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • use the Achor properties. If you want it to increase according to the form, leave all marked, otherwise uncheck all

  • I don’t want it to grow, I want it to stay centered and the same size.

  • so the "otherwise, clear all." As the colleague answered below, leave as 'None''

  • Sure! Thank you very much!

2 answers


In the element properties, you will find the option Layout and define the Anchor for None.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • It worked out! Thank you very much!


you tbm can do via code:

Knowing that the center of the Container is half its width . Width / 2 and half its height . Heigth / 2

control. Top = (Container.Heigth / 2) - (control.Heigth - 2);

control. Left = (Container.Width / 2) - (control.width - 2);

Note: the container is nothing more, than its container.

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