Visual Studio 2017 only recognizes new code if restarted


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Good guys, I’m having a problem with VS 2017 when compiling or even when pulling a code via Git...

VS 2017 only recognizes the new code if I do some of the following: close and open it again, insert a file (It turns out that when I pull a code through Git, the solution can’t find the namespace references, so I have to create an Random file just to recognize the references and then delete it), clear VS Temp folders.

It turns out that this is really boring to do, even more to have to do this on every new compilation...

  • He was having a problem similar to his own, but when he switched branches without closing the project, what he did was rename the files that did not compile and he recognized them again. But in the last few days you’ve stopped giving this trouble.

  • Um, have you done any update on VS? Why am I looking for some solution but not finding it...

  • Worst I didn’t update, just stopped giving the problem.

  • I’m thinking it must be some cache somewhere... It’s not possible...

  • Normally it happened to me in files I had recently moved in the branch, like mechia in branch1, went to branch2, when I returned to branch1 he gave this bug.

  • I get it, I... I work on a solution with about 6 projects and if I have the audacity to touch an html, class, or anything I have to compile to work, the blessed VS has to be restarted. I didn’t get to test if renaming the file and then going back to normal works...

  • 1

    Just upgrade to version 15.5.. has several improvements, including performance check extensions tb... once Resharper gave me a huge headache with his cache and was accusing error where there was no.

  • @Thiagoloureiro, dude, I’ve been running some tests over time, and I actually disabled an extension called Powercommands and VS stopped giving this problem... Strange not? Maybe something related to unused Usings verification? I don’t know.

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