Github Pages failing to load resources with error 404


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I tried to move up a project I had done some time ago, and using the Github pages to play online, I find it difficult to render.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The files he can’t load are all in repository, I don’t understand the difficulty that Github pages are having to render.

Here’s a similar question on Stackoverflow EN showing a similar problem, but different from mine because I didn’t use Jekyll.

Here’s an example of how the page should be rendered, see that on localhost it works perfectly.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The figure below shows how the page is displayed via remote access

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

When analyzing the problem, I noticed that the link where css is located, is different from where it is actually located via url, note below:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

It is normal this url nay hit with the actual file path estilo.css?

Can anyone help how to resolve this issue, in relation to resource loading failure on Github pages?

  • But these files exist in the branch gh-pages?

  • Yes, this result appears in both Brach master and Gh-pages

  • Puts the part of the code where you are importing the . css

  • From to see all the codes through the link I put in the question that leads to the repository, I suspect that the reason is because of the "heavy" features like video and photos that are not loading and generating most of the error 404

  • 1

    Wow, I didn’t even notice... Dude, I don’t know why, but I’m guessing that’s the underscore in the folder names... try to get the underscore out of the folder names

  • I’ve changed and so far no results =(

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1 answer


Apparently the problem was solved with the withdrawal of the underline in the name of each folder, I had not noticed before because the loading of the pages was slow to load and I had to remove this character from all the files, which took a little.

I can not say why it causes the problem of failure in the content loading, but apparently solved.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The problem has nothing to do with the amount of photos or videos uploaded, they actually weigh but do not prevent page loading.

Hint: Who put folder name with underline won’t work

Example: _css or _javascript

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