Update table with XML field and in different databases


Viewed 63 times


I have two banks SQL SERVER 2012 installed on server A and server B, I need to insert and then make a Update in the server table B via linkedServer by the A server, but these tables have fields XML, not necessarily I am updating this field, but every time I try to do any updating in the other fields returns me to msg:

"Msg 9514, Level 16, State 1, Line 1. Xml data type is not supported
in distributed queries"

Would anyone have any solution/example that I can use via Linkedserver or even one that I can work with XML on two servers with SQL SERVER 2012?

  • 2

    Open until today, since 2006: https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/247204/tables-with-xml-columns-cannot-be-queried-using-distributed-llinked-server-queries // There are two contouring solutions proposed by Microsoft; assess if any of them suit you.

  • Thanks for the tip, I was able to identify another example https://stackoverflow.com/questions/495719/querying-a-linked-sql-server&usg=Alkjrhir2b3wccco6sx9dzysqczgotv0la

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