Visual Studio Error 2015 Update 3 cannot remove breakpoint


Viewed 38 times


In my project I have a solid breakpoint in Visual Studio that I can’t remove. I can add other breakpoints. Some removed, but some not. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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  • Could you edit your question with some screenshot? This will detail and facilitate in helping.

  • All right, look at the up-and-down on the set

  • Try the Debug menu - Delete All Breakpoints

  • It worked out! I appreciate the help!

  • See also Debug - Windows - Breakpoints

1 answer


You can delete all breakpoints using the menu debug | Delete All Breakpoints.

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To view all the breakpoints what your solution has, you can see in Debug | Windows | Breakpoints

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  • I appreciate the help, I’ve never seen this mistake

  • I had something similar this week on VS 2017.

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