Include spaces when reading C strings


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I have a C job to do, where I have to read information from a txt. Each string follows the following format:

12345António Manuel Silva Mendes                        Frankfurt  Varsovia    1

It always has a 5-character integer for identification, 51 characters for the name (including spaces), 11 for the city of departure, 11 for the city of arrival and a maximum 2-digit integer for the date.

declare the structure thus:

typedef struct bilhete{

    int BI;
    char nome[51];
    char partida[11];
    char chegada[11];
    int data;


and I’m reading from the file like this:


        fscanf(fp,"%d%51c%11c%11c%d\n", &bilhete.BI, bilhete.nome, bilhete.partida, bilhete.chegada, &;

I happen to be doing a debug printf of the, and it’s not printing properly. How to recognize white spaces?

1 answer


Try using %[ n]s, for example: In the format expression, instead of using %51s for "string", use %51[ n]s.

  • Thank you, you already have. However the ticket.departure and the ticket.arrival are not being printed. Any suggestions?

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