Rule Rewrite Changing script directories


Viewed 87 times


I have the following problem, when using the Rule below my default directory is changed and mine js scripts and files css stop working.

<rule name="Produtos Detalhe">
   <match url="^(produto)\/(.*)\/(.*)\/?$"  />
   <action type="Rewrite" url="/Produto/Detalhe?id={R:3}"  />

Example, this code:

<link href="@Href("~/Content/Site/css/bootstrap.min.css")" rel="stylesheet">

It’s getting like this after rendered:

<link href="/produto/Content/Site/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

I’d like you to stay:

<link href="/Content/Site/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
  • Have you tried to take the tilde of this instruction? @Href("~/Content/Site/css/bootstrap.min.css")

1 answer


It’s simple. Your Rule is as a general rule, at the base, the product directory. as you can see yourself, everything and any url you use will automatically always have this.
Try to create a universal rule.
And with the collected data you try to know where you are going in the system, if it is for products you ai yes, use dir /products and otherwise /.
I did it in apache but in Asp I do not know.
I’m just trying to give you a light.

Try to keep it that way: ^(.*)\/(.*)\/?$ and then you create code rules the part to know if you are in the right products.

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