Report on Jasperstudio with subReports


Viewed 129 times


I need to create a report with two Querys distinct in the JasperStudio, for this I researched and saw that the best way to do this would be via sub reports but even doing exactly the same as some video lessons I found in I always catch the same mistake:

printscreen com as telas do JasperStudio com um alet

1 answer


How is your subreport name? The error is not being found. Verify that you have created a new report (which will be the subreport) with that name: "subreport". Once created, you need to copy it, in order to be able to file ". Jasper".

  • Thanks for the help peter, that was just the problem, missing compile the subReport, I had already found this answer in another forum had just failed to come here and answer my question

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