Remove file extension, not to be seen by user


Viewed 754 times


How would I make the file extension not be viewed by the user?


Once the user finishes the registration, it will be directed to the page confirmacao.php, but I would like the extension .php were not visible, only confirmacao/. I understand that this is Url friendly and can be done by .htaccess, but how can I apply on all pages?

  • contato.php => contato/
  • cadastro.php => cadastro/
  • etc..

Is that possible? Or would I have to create a directory for each page?

1 answer


In my . htaccess I use this snippet of code to remove . php

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php -f
RewriteRule !.*\.php$ %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php [QSA,L]


  • %{REQUEST_FILENAME} - will check from the directory ROOT + o "arquivo" da url solicitada (you mean that you exclude Querystring)


  • Your website is at /www/ (Directory ROOT design)
  • The requested url is
  • %{REQUEST_FILENAME} will be /www/contato


  • In the rule RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php -f says : Take this path (/www/contato) add .php and make sure it’s a file -f (file)
  • If true apply the rule below
  • !.*\.php$ %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php - If you haven’t .php at the end, add, keeping the settings of Querystring [QSA].

Even if the rule is to add .php in the end this is an internal configuration, for PHP to identify the file, the user does not even know it occurs.

  • 3

    Let me explain what it does?

  • Perfect Pedro Morais. It worked correctly. Thank you!

  • 1

    Of course, if you want to supplement the answer feel free =)

  • 1

    If the explanation is not clear, warn me to improve

  • Very good explanation William. Thank you.

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