How to break a line within a link in Cakephp


Viewed 134 times


I know it’s not right but I have a situation that I needed to do a line break within the link as attached image.

printscreen tela de cadastro.

I would like to work with the standard Cake but I had to do the line break by HTML.

How I do it by Cake?

<nav class="columns" id="actions-sidebar">
    <ul class="side-nav">
        <li><a href="#DadosPrincipais">> Dados Básicos<br>
            > Telefones<br>
            > Qualificação<br>
            > Residência<br>
            > Cônjuge</a></li>
        <li><a href="#TrabalhoRendimento">> Trabalho<br>
        > Rendimentos</a></li>
        <li><?= $this->Html->link('> '.'Referências','#Referencia', ['style' => $matriculaButton]) ?></li>
        <li><?= $this->Html->link('> '.'Comprovantes','#Comprovante', ['style' => $matriculaButton]) ?></li>

2 answers


It worked by placing 'scape'=> false. This way the Cake link will accept html.

<li><?= $this->Html->link('> Dados Básicos  <br> > Telefones <br> > Qualificação <br> > Residência <br> > Cônjuge', '#DadosPrincipais', ['escape'=>false,  'style' => $matriculaButton]); ?></li>


I don’t work with cake.

But I believe you can put a class in the link. ex: class="link-block".

If yes, you do it and put it as a block.

.link-block { display: block } .

In his css.

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